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Here at The Monday Morning Philosopher I offer insights into life, Learning, and leadership. These insights have been honed by years of academic study as well as the experience of leading men and women in some of the most stressful and trying environments imaginable. I’ve found that there are certain elements of philosophical inquiry that lend themselves extremely well to the soft skills required to be both an adroit, successful manager of things and an inspiring, transformative leader of people. Allow me to expose you to the depth and breadth of these ideas while maintaining the brevity necessary to target your needs.
Please take a look around, check out a post or two, sign up for the newsletter, shoot an email to, or find me on twitter @MMPhilosopher if you’d like a slightly more directed approach to some practical philosophy. Hopefully you can take something away of value and find a little snippet that would’ve otherwise been an abstraction and apply it to your life either personally or professionally in a practical, value added way.
Think Hard.